You can make money on the internet easy. There's many pages where you can get yourself some money just by clicking adds.
First of all, you should make yourself a Paypal account ( or you can use also your e-gold, alertpay etc. account. Before registering, you should check out, what way the page will pay.
Then you make yourself a new e-mail address ( for the pages. That is best way to keep your personal mail and the earning mail separated.
And then the pages. My favorite page is Trek Pay. It's easy one to start, it's simple and there's everyday about 15 adds to click per day. When you have signed in, just go to Browse/Search site and start to click the adds. Remember to read all adviced you get there, so you don't get penalty points and you get all points which you can get. And Trek Pay page you can find here: Go and try! It's free, you don't have to put your money on it and you really get paid just for clicking some advertisements!